episode when Parliament reassembles and I think it would be helpful to establish the legal position more clearly both in regard to subliminal advertising and communication. There may well be questions about the T.W.W. I understand that the view taken in the Post Office is that subliminal advertising, as such, would be forbidden under the Television’s Act Second Schedule Paragraph 1 and that one could perhaps hold that the Authority’s duty under Section 3 (1) (a) to satisfy themselves that “nothing is included in the programmes which offends good taste or decency or is likely….to be offensive to public feeling…” should rule out the use of subliminal communication to encourage viewers to continue viewing. had decided to withdraw the slogan as from the 16th December.

The Post Office informed the News Executive that T.W.W. had given the Post Office an assurance that they are strongly against any form of subliminal communication, whether it is applied to advertising or to any other activities of the Programme Companies. The topic was mentioned at the News Executive a few days ago. You will have seen the publicity about T.W.W.’s use of the flashed message “keep watching”. The ITA was the Independent Television Authority, the body set up to create and regulate television stations independent from the BBC in 1954. TWW was Television Wales and the West, the newly established ITV company for the region. Letter to the Postmaster General from the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 22nd October 1958 (HO 256/607)