The pipes of The Shire folk are primarily versions of the Churchwarden pipes. Perhaps this is why we love these mythical heroes so much-they represent the best of what it is to be human. Sitting beside a fire and smoking a pipe is all that is required for the triumph of good in a Hobbit’s world.

A Pastime Favored By HobbitsĪs you may remember from The Hobbits films, these light-hearted souls love nothing so much as hearth and home. The golden ring in the Rinaldo Rustic is reminiscent of the wealth under the mountain the band of Dwarves once toiled over in the films. This sitter pipe has enough drama to satisfy even a blustering Bombur with its chocolate stain, perfectly accenting the rustic carving and ringed bowl. Although not as detailed as the pipes of the fictional dwarves, we think the heft and pleasing hooked mouthpiece on this pipe would put an easily offended dwarf in a more peaceful mood (Learn more about the BC Marco Tobacco Pipe). The BC Marco is a large Hungarian shaped pipe with a glossy black stain to accentuate the rustic finish and a burnt orange stain around the mouth of the chamber. We think that Thorin Oakenshield™ and his companions would be pretty happy with either of these tobacco pipes. The pipes favored by the blustery dwarves central to the story of The Hobbit Films are shorter and more detailed than the Churchwardens you’re probably used to thinking about when picturing pipes in Middle Earth. Although the pipes of Thorin Oakenshield™ and his company are all props made for the film, here are a few similar models… Dwarfish Style Pipes

The dwarves and hobbits in The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings films enjoy their stolen moments smoking a pipe between battles and running from Orcs. The Hobbit films are full of scenes of Gandalf the Grey and his famous Churchwarden, but look a little further and you’ll find pipes popping up in the hands of nearly every race on Middle Earth! Smoking a tobacco pipe is a popular pastime in Middle Earth.